Our first market! Fulton St. Market in Grand Rapids

Yesterday we attended our first market as a vendor. It took place at the iconic Fulton St. Market in Grand Rapids. What a great experience it was for us. It was hosted by Merchants and Makers, which puts on great events throughout the year and it brought a great crowd. We are excited to be part of more M&M events this year.
The best thing about the market was getting to see people responses towards each of our scents. With being an online store, it is tough to get that instant feedback on what is resonating with customers and what isn't. So the market gave us immediate feedback.
We debuted Holland in Bloom and it went over great. It was our top seller in fact! Sugared Lemon and Hello Sunshine got the smiling response as expected, as well as a number of other's including Sabastian's favorites, Mahogany Driftwood and Enchanted Dawn.
One of the results we were interested in seeing was how well Seaside Spa sold. It was a hit with the shoppers and was our second best seller. People commented it was "relaxing", "calming", and a "perfect light scent".
Next up on the calendar for us is the Tulip Time Artisan Market on May 7-8th. We are so excited for this event. If you get a chance to go, please stop by and see us!
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